Copy that works with the Data to Back it up. 

Gain New Customers.  Mitigate Risk.  Own your business. Not the other way around. 

Don't Spray and Pray. Aim and Fire. 

Marry your Creative and Business Strategy by uncovering your customers needs through robust customer personae creation and go on the offense with creative and powerful copy that taps into those needs and make them buy. 

Why should you trust me?

I am a copywriter and certified storybrand guide. Who is passionate about helping people build the businesses that let them live the lives they want and I want to leverage my passion for data analysis and creative to give you the tools you need to do that. 

Objective:  This Spec ad was for OpsMx, a software company that recently started integration with a GitOps tool called argo.  This ad was to show customers that using OpsMx's tools they could save effort using Argo to deploy code to production environments. 

Target audience: The ad targeted towards engineers who already use argo but struggle to get code deployed to production evironments. 


I worked with OpsMX in the past and having written code myself, I made an emotional appeal by invoking the myth of sisyphus, using the striking image of him performing back breaking labor and using the tag line to show a better way. 

Objective: This spec banner ad was made for Tap With Us Inc.s Tap strap 2 a wearable keyboard and mouse that allows Users to tap using various finger combinations with a dedicated mouse.  The ad was to raise awareness around the Tap Strap 2.

Target Audience: The target audience was younger technology enthusiasts who would be willing to try a new way to type, an action that hasn't changed for a long time. 


I used the tag line "Give your Keyboard The Finger" as a direct challenge to conventional typing.  By stating that it was time to ditch the keyboard. To hammer the point home, I took a picture of my hand wearing the Tapstrap 2.